Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekend With Grandma and Grandpa Goff

We had Kush's wedding this weekend so Sophia spent the weekend with her grandma and grandpa Goff. She had soo much fun! She was exhausted yesterday on the way home:
 Grandma Sharon and Soph getting ready:

 Showing Grandpa Jim her baby:
 We sent her bike with her so she could ride it all weekend:
 She had a play date with some neighbor kids including a little boy named Elliott who has a twin named brother named Austin. Sophia kept saying she was playing with Austin and her daddy since his name was Elliott lol:
 Checking out a praying mantis cocoon with Grandpa Jim:
 Grandpa Jim went fishing with a friend and brought back a lot of fish. Soph touching the fish:
 Sitting in the neighbor's boat:
 She also went to her great Uncle Tom's 60th birthday party. She had a lot of fun with her cousins Mason and Cameron:
 Feeding Max some lunch.
Soph had a blast and can't wait to visit again. A HUGE thank you to Jim and Sharon for watching her all weekend!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Sophia has been so excited for the Easter bunny to come and see her. She woke up Sunday morning (really early) to see if the bunny had came. 

She walked down the steps to find pieces of the bunny's tail. She thought it was soo funny. She also found eggs throughout our house filled with goodies.
 Laughing about the pieces of the bunny's tail:
 Checking out her gifts from the Easter bunny:

 Finding more Easter eggs:
 She sat there and said "Take my picture mommy"
 Ready for church:

 After church we went to brunch with the Beaty's and Mary Beth and her son.

We tried to get a family picture but Soph wasn't having it:
 Towards the end of brunch Soph and Jax started playing under the table. Luckily we were in the corner, in the back of the room so nobody could tell lol!

 Another attempt at a family photo:
 After brunch we all went home and took naps. Then we played outside:
 Cousins at brunch:
 Soph outside of our church:
 Soph posing:

Easter Egg Hunts

On Saturday we took Soph to an Easter egg hunt. She was so excited to go.
 Family pic:
 Goff's and the Beaty's:
 They had a helicopter drop Easter eggs. Soph watching it happen:
 LOL Large, Medium and Small:
 Dropping Easter eggs:
 Soph getting the eggs:
 She kept shaking them to make sure they had candy in them:
 Jax and Soph:
 Such a sweet picture! She was soo proud of all her eggs. We had to put them into a plastic bag because her basket was over flowing.
 Soph and her cousins:
 Then we went home, Soph took a nap, then we had some friends over for a cookout and another Easter egg hunt. All the kids ready to hunt for the eggs:
 Looking for eggs:

 Jax and Soph holding hands and pulling each other around lol!
Such a fun day!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Mommy/Sophie Day

I had Friday off so Soph and I went to the Zoo. It was the perfect day to go weather wise. Plus, they had a bunny bonanza and Soph is obsessed with the Easter bunny so she was soo excited to see each one. 

They also had lots of meet and greets with characters. And, Soph got to dance with LouSeal, the mascot for the Columbus Clippers: 

Bunny meet and greets:
 This is a blow up bunny but Soph said "take my picture." Haha!

 Alot of the animals were out, including the playful polar bears:

 Soph still loves the "My House" part of the zoo:

Such a fun day with my favorite girl!