Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, April 21, 2014

Mommy/Sophie Day

I had Friday off so Soph and I went to the Zoo. It was the perfect day to go weather wise. Plus, they had a bunny bonanza and Soph is obsessed with the Easter bunny so she was soo excited to see each one. 

They also had lots of meet and greets with characters. And, Soph got to dance with LouSeal, the mascot for the Columbus Clippers: 

Bunny meet and greets:
 This is a blow up bunny but Soph said "take my picture." Haha!

 Alot of the animals were out, including the playful polar bears:

 Soph still loves the "My House" part of the zoo:

Such a fun day with my favorite girl!

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