Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, April 7, 2014

Park, Ice Cream and Playing Outside

We had acouple nice days last week so we took full advantage of it. Elliott started first shift last week so it was nice to do things as a family. We took Soph to a park by our house and after playing for awhile she saw a trail to some woods and wanted to walk through them. She kept jumping in the puddles, walking on branches and saying she's walking on the balance beam like gymnastics lol. 

Soph saying "ta da" after she jumped off the make shift balance beam: 
 Walking on her balance beam:
 Ice cream after gymnastics:
 Jumping in mud puddles:
 She LOVES chocolate ice cream:

 We also went to Alum Creek so Soph could feed the fish and birds:
 She loved riding her jeep around the neighborhood:

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