Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fun Weekend

We had a fun, busy weekend. On Sunday we played outside in Soph's little pool, played with water balloons, then we went to our friends, The Clark's for a cookout. Soph had so much fun playing with her friends.
Soph running through the sprinkler with her friends:
 Soph, Jax and Alexa (all 3-4 months apart) eating cup cake ice cream cones):
 They also had their jump house up which the kids loved:

 We also took Soph to Chuck-E-Cheese this weekend. This is her favorite place (besides Disney) and always asks us to go back. Soph on her favorite ride:
 Playing a game with daddy:
 After Chuck-E-Cheese, we took her to get Jeni's Ice Cream. She loved it. It was soo nice out we sat outside.
 Since Elliott started working 3rd shift this weekend I tried to keep Soph out of the house for several hours so he could have a quiet house. We played outside all morning on Sunday.
 Soph loves her water table, and little pool:

 But her favorite thing to do was carry water balloons up her slide and put them into her pool.

 Then we started throwing them at each other. She loved this:

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