Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, June 30, 2014

Car Accident

Last Thursday, Sophia and I were on our way home from picking up pizza when we were rear ended while waiting to turn into our neighborhood. It was the SCARIEST day of my life. Mind you, I have been in three other car accidents, all of which my cars have been totaled....however, this was the scariest because it wasn't just me in the car....Sophia was in the back seat. Some of the accident is still a blur, what I do remember is stopping with my left turn signal on, waiting as oncoming traffic passed so I could turn into my neighborhood. Then, I heard brakes screeching behind me. I looked in my rear view mirror to see a large, white service van approaching my car. The next thing I knew we had been hit...HARD. I don't know if I moved my car at all...or if the impact moved it, however, I wasn't on Old State Road anymore. I put my car in park (not knowing if I'd been injured at this point) opened up my car door and immediately ran to Sophia. I opened the door just hoping that she was ok. By the grace of God, she didn't appear to be injured. I unbuckled her as fast as I could, got her out of her seat and ran with her to the grassy area of my neighborhood away from the street. I was nervous another car would hit my car. I then put her down and started to examine her, I didn't see any scratches, no blood, no marks. I only saw glass in her hair. I was crying hysterically. I think I was in shock, I was panicking and also so grateful that my baby was ok. After seeing that she was ok I looked at van who hit us and saw the driver and asked if he was ok. He said he was and I was relived. Soon after several cars had stopped and were calling 911. I asked that the ambulance come to check Sophia just to be sure. They checked her and said she was fine. They also checked her car seat and it all appeared to be fine. We still bought her a new one afterwards but knowing her car seat was still in tact meant she would be fine as well. Then the paramedics said they wanted to check me out. I hadn't even thought about that. I had a goose egg on my forehead and my back and neck and arms were all sore..already. Nothing major! I feel soo lucky that after being in four accidents since I was 16 that I'm still on this earth today. I'm so thankful that my baby was uninjured and I hope that she'll forget what happened.
Here's acouple pictures of my car:

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever.
                                                                         -1 Chronicles 16:34 NLG

Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name.
                                                                    -1 Chronicles 29:13 NIV

Gymnastics, Festival, Lake....and more

I'm behind on my blog posts again...but for good reason. I've had a lot going on in the past week and a half. I'll get to that later.
Sophia has been doing different things and saying "mommy take my picture" which I love because I'm always trying to get her pictures. Usually though, she doesn't want her picture taken when I ask her. Silly girl.
She told me to take her picture with her bunny:
Soph is still in gymnastics and still loves it. They always go from one area to the next via a train...Soph loves being first behind her teacher:

 Showing off another ribbon she received:
 She asked me to take this picture with her and her animal:
 And also this one:
 We took Soph to the St. Mary's Festival in Delaware. She had a lot of fun. They had rides, yummy food, games and a band.

Soph and El in the funny house:

 She won this stuffed animal:
 Riding the rides:

 Last Saturday I picked up the Beaty kids and we all went to the lake. I had to go to Florida on Sunday so my parents were watching Soph and the Beaty's had an event Saturday night so my parents also watched Addie and Jax. We had a fun (and uneventful thankfully) car ride. I was nervous to have three kids under the age of four by myself but it was easy. Maybe we're ready for #2 now?

The kids had soo much fun at the lake. They loved Nana and Poppy's golf cart and also their great Grandpa's golf cart.

 On Grandpa Elders' golf cart:

 Then I flew out of Columbus at 5:55 a.m. on Sunday to head to Florida for work. I was exhausted by Tuesday afternoon. I had a late flight so I spent acouple hours at the pool:
A HUGE thank you to my parents for watching Soph for us while I was in FL. Soph had a blast.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Start them off early - Folding Towels

Soph always wants to help me fold laundry, however, when she folds her stack she wads the clothes up into a ball and yells "I did it!" This morning she was playing with her dolls when El noticed she had three dish towels folded. He asked her if she folded them and she said she did. We asked her to fold another one and couldn't believe she could do it. We never taught her to do it. She must have remembered how I folded them in the past and did it on her own. I guess she'll be folding laundry from here on out. ;)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Addie's Dance Recital

Saturday we went to Addie's dance recital. She did soo well. Her group did the cutest little dance and her outfit was adorable! Of course Soph wanted to get on stage and dance with them lol! After the recital we went to dinner and the kids got balloon hats.
Jax, Soph and Addie wearing their balloon hats:

 Addie posing with Soph:

 Misty was trying to take a pic of Ricky and Addie and Soph had to jump in the picture:

This Past Week

We had a fun week. Our friends The Clark's came over and played on Wednesday. For some reason the pictures are all out of order again.
The girls reading a book together:
 Friday night we had a sleepover at the Beaty's. Addie, Soph and Jax in their sleeping bags:
 Wednesday before the Clark's came over, Soph was testing out some of the food:
 Jax and Soph stayed up WAY past their bed times on Friday. This pic was around 11 p.m.:
 On Saturday Jax, Addie and Soph walked to the neighbors lemonade stand. We gave them each a dollar to buy whatever they wanted. They loved paying with their money.
 The Clark girls testing out our new water slide:
 Water slide fun:

National Museum of the United States Air Force

On Wednesday, Elliott took Soph to the National Museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton. Then, they went to visit Grandpa Jim at work and then stopped by Grandma Billie's. Soph had a great day with daddy.
Soph and El before going on their trip to Dayton:
 Air Force Museum:

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mason's Birthday Party

Soph had soo much fun at Mason's third birthday party on Sunday. It was a Mickey Mouse theme and everything was super cute.
Soph and Mason:
 Jump house fun:
 Amanda made this cake herself! Soo cool.
 Looking for fish:
 Birthday boy:

 Showing Grandpa Jim what she caught:

 Love this picture! They're only two months apart.
 Soph loved the cupcakes: