Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, June 16, 2014

This Past Week

We had a fun week. Our friends The Clark's came over and played on Wednesday. For some reason the pictures are all out of order again.
The girls reading a book together:
 Friday night we had a sleepover at the Beaty's. Addie, Soph and Jax in their sleeping bags:
 Wednesday before the Clark's came over, Soph was testing out some of the food:
 Jax and Soph stayed up WAY past their bed times on Friday. This pic was around 11 p.m.:
 On Saturday Jax, Addie and Soph walked to the neighbors lemonade stand. We gave them each a dollar to buy whatever they wanted. They loved paying with their money.
 The Clark girls testing out our new water slide:
 Water slide fun:

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