Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Kings Island

Last Wednesday I took off work and it was El's day off so we took Soph to Kings Island. She loved it! She loved riding the rides, eating ice cream and meeting the characters. When we left she said "I had fun" multiple times. :) The park wasn't busy at all so Soph could ride all the rides multiple times. Sometimes she was the only kid on the ride. It was perfect. Since Kings Island's kid's area is all Peanuts El had the good idea of letting her bring her Snoopy stuffed animal. Good thing because she carried hers around everywhere and had we not brought hers she would have wanted one from the gift store so we saved at least $20 bucks! :)
 Soph even liked the small roller coaster:
 Linds met up with us for acouple hours. Soph loved riding rides with her.
 Linds and Soph:

I couldn't believe Soph rode this one. It went up pretty high and dropped kind of fast.

 I remember as a child going to Americana and riding cars similar to the ones below. I loved that ride and so did Soph.
 El, Soph and Linds playing a game.
 El and Soph taking a selfie on a ride:
 Lucy loved Soph's Snoopy and wanted to hold it for their picture:
 It started to get hot in the afternoon so we went to the water park.

 Then we got some blue ice cream:
 Soph and I on the roller coaster with our arms up:

 Bumper cars:

Such a fun day! We can't wait to go back.

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