Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Friday, October 16, 2015

Newport Aquarium

Last Friday we took the kids to the Newport Aquarium in Cincinnati. We had a lot of fun. Soph was SUPER excited to see the mermaids:

 One of the workers cleaning the tank:
 El teaching Soph about some fish:
 She loved touching everything:

 This is SOO her element:

 Just like her daddy...she can name off a lot of animals.

 OMG how cute are Soph and Eli:

 Buddy slept in the beginning, then he woke up, I fed him and he had a BLOW out...I'm talking poop on my leg kind of blow out. So, he's in his back up outfit.
 He LOVED looking at all the fish.
 Soph LOVED the mermaids:

 The kids got their pic with a REAL mermaid lol. Soph was thrilled but asked how she got on the chair if she has a mermaid tail lol.
 My happy baby boy:
 El and Soph walked over the shark tank:

 Downtown Cinci:

Such a fun day!

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