Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Girls day/night

Last weekend my parents kept the kiddos for us all weekend. Friday night Elliott and I had a great date night. We shopped for our upcoming cruise, then we went to dinner and had drinks. Saturday night I had a planned girls day/night with my girlfriends. I was SOO looking forward to this day and night. We started off with lunch at an amazing little Mexican restaurant:
 Then we went to get blow outs. After that we went back to the hotel and had a pumping party for some of us who are nursing. It was pretty funny and we talked about how our lifes have changed lol.

Then we went to dinner and went from bar to bar downtown.
 I think there were 12 of us and we had a blast. I only took acouple pictures. We decided we need to do this more often.
 Sadly I only got one picture of my dad and Eli while they watched them. A BIG thank you to my parents for watching the kiddos all weekend for us.

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