Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, August 1, 2016

Eli is 11 months old

Our little boy is 11 months old (actually he's one but I'm way behind on these posts)! Eli is the sweetest little boy and is usually ALL smiles.

I tried to get him dressed to get his 11 month photos and this is what happened:
 Then he wanted to knock over the blocks:
 But was a happy boy:
 I mean I can't even!! That smile!

 He only sat for about 10 seconds.

Here's his stats: Birth weight: 9 pounds
First week appointment: 8 pounds 12 ozs
One month appointment: 11 pounds 3 ozs (82nd percentile)
                                          21.75 inches long (69th percentile)
Two month appointment: 13 pounds 7 ozs (80th percentile)
                                          24 inches long (90th percentile)
Three months (this is from our scale): 15 pounds 5 ozs
Four month appointment: 15 pounds 21 ozs
                                             25 inches long
                                             HC: 44 cm
Five month (no appointment) 18 pounds (by our scale)
Six month: 17 pounds 10 ozs (he was in the 50th percentile)
                   26.25 inches long (30 something percentile)

Seven months (no appointment): 18.5 pounds (by our scale)
Eight months (no appointment) 19 pounds (by our scale)
Nine months: 20.5 pounds (can't remember the percentiles)
10 months: 21 pounds
11 months: 21.5 pounds

Clothes: He's wearing 18 months and some 24 months and is still in size 4 diapers.
Food: He's getting 3 bottles a day and table food. He literally eats whatever we give him. He loves everything but his favorite food is blueberries. He will eat an entire container.

Sleep: He is still sleeping through the night and takes two naps per day.

Talking: His favorite word is dada. But he also says mama, hi, bye, Nana, Maya

Teeth: he still only has two teeth.

Activities: He is a super fast crawler now, loves walking around while you hold his hands. He stands and cruises around holding the furniture. He loves being outside and especially in his car or swing.

Dislikes: he's pretty happy all the time unless he's tired and you take his paci. He loves his paci!

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