Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Friday, August 19, 2016

Eli's birthday

Eli had a great birthday. It started with balloons in his crib:
 which he loved:

 Then he had donuts:

 I took the day off and we went to the pool:

 We went to dinner and Eli fell asleep. I loved that he still wanted to cuddle:
 Then he woke up and was excited:
 Then I had them sing to him:

 Pictures after dinner:

 Then we had Gigi's cupcakes:
 Eli was super excited:
 But was super sweet and tried to share:

 He loved his presents:

 especially his mickey mouse:
 He was exhausted after a fun day!
Oh Eli Michael - you melt my heart every single day. I never knew what to expect when I was told I was having a baby boy but when you were born everything changed. You filled a void that I never knew existed. You are the sweetest, most charming little angel. I love you more than you'll ever know! Happy first birthday!!

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