Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Eli's first haircut

Eli's hair was getting a little long in the back and shaggy on the sides and front so we took him to Cookie Cutters a few weeks ago for his first hair cut.  I wasn't sure how he'd do as he typically never sits still, however, he did great.

He loved being in the car:

 Big sis also got a new, super cute short cut:
 After awhile Eli was getting antsy so they gave him a sucker. He will do anything for a sucker.
 Showing off his sucker:
 How cute is Soph's haircut?? I may have cried a bit when I saw the big piece of hair hit the floor. They took soo much off but I think it looks really cute and will help thicken up her hair.
 My handsome stud:

 I can't flip these pictures for some reason so I'll just tell you what they are. It's Eli's certificate with his locks of hair.

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