Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tailgating...kid free weekend

So we got home from our trip to Florida a few weeks ago on a late Thursday night. Then on Friday, I worked all day and Elliott took the kids (along with the Beaty kids) to my parents for the weekend. We had a kid free weekend!!  When El got home from dropping them off, we went to dinner JUST US. It was so nice to actually talk, eat a hot dinner (typically I'm taking Soph to the bathroom, feeding Eli, picking up food off the floor that Eli is throwing....) and not rush our meal.

 Then on Saturday we slept in, then I went shopping while Elliott slept (he worked third shift Friday night). When I got home from shopping we decided we'd go to Easton to shop and get some lunch. Then we went home, got ready and headed down to campus to tailgate.

Jim and Sharon were also tailgating:

 Then we went to our friends tailgate and hung out there for awhile:
The rest of the night is a blur for me. I hardly ever drink and failed to eat dinner - the end result - me being hung over and waking up to a cracked phone screen. Oh well, we had fun. Plus, my sister picked up the kids for us so we had all day on Sunday to be lazy and do nothing. A HUGE thanks to my parents for keeping the kids all weekend and to my sister for picking them up on Sunday. While we love our kids dearly, it was nice to have a kid free weekend.

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