Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

18 months what?

No, Sophia is not 18 months, however, alot of the pictures included in this post include her in 18 month clothes. I cannot believe my 5 month (almost 6 month) old baby can wear 18 month clothes lol!!

Sophia is a rolling machine. I'll put her on her blanket, walk away and she'll be off it. She rolls everywhere. I think its time to baby proof the house. She's also not feeling the weekly photo shoots. She grabs the blocks, knocks them over or refuses to look at me. She's too cute!! Here's some of the photos I managed to get of her with her 25 week blocks:

She loves sitting up unless she's getting tired.

Isn't she the cutest?? :)

Again, we don't really give her a binkey, only from time to time. So...when we give it to her she almost knows she shouldn't have it and she'll laugh. Here, she grabbed it and put it in her mouth on her own.

This weekend Auntie and Dexter stayed with us. Sophia loves her great Auntie.

Sophia loves to grab our noses, especially when we say "honk, honk." She will laugh soo hard.

Sitting up straighter now.

El tried a new thing with Soph. He puts her up in the air like she's flying. She LOVES it.

I'm wondering if she'll take after Elliott instead of me since she's wearing 18 month clothes. She looks likes she's gotten soo much longer too. I cannot wait until her appt. to see how much she's grown since her 4 month appt.

I check her everyday, however, she still hasn't cut a tooth. We're thinking it'll be any day now. Tomorrow Elliott turns 30 so we're heading to Gatlinburg, TN to celebrate. Jim and Sharon are also going. We're all looking forward to getting away and spending time with Sophia. I really need a day off work (even though I'll be taking my laptop and working a little) and I think El does too. I'll post pics from our trip next week when we get back.

1 comment:

  1. Sophie is so cute!!! I cannot believe she's in 18 month clothes haha. I'm lucky to get iris to fit in 12 months haha. She is going to short like me!
