Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, January 23, 2012

24 weeks...

Last week went by soo fast. I think because I've been working like crazy. I'm still working every night after I put Soph to bed. The big project I've been on is almost over and I can barely wait to have my life back. I've learned alot from this project but I'm ready to have my evenings back. :)

Now, for the reason you check out my blog. Sophia!!

She's getting bigger each day. She loves her bear that has her actual heart beat inside of it from when she was in my tummy. She also loves having matching tutu's lol.

Such a big girl:

She hates socks and will either kick them off, her pull them off. :)

She loves her blocks and is always chewing on them or tossing them:

She is like her daddy and is a morning person. Every morning she is soo happy. I just love it. Even on Saturday when she woke up at 6 a.m. (she never gets up this early) she was soo happy and even though I was super tired, how can you be mad when your baby is smiling non stop.

Like i said, she loves eating her blocks lol:

She's sitting up on her own really well now. We don't have to worry so much about her falling over. She is so smart and will balance herself by holding her feet, it's so cute.

This weekend we had a small shower for Erika. Addie loved helping her open presents.

Grandma Sharon came on Friday to visit. She brought Sophia this super soft blanket and matching rabbit pillow. I laid her on it and she fell asleep lol. Oh and yes, thats a binky in her mouth. We give it to her from time to time and she smiles like she knows she's not supposed to have it. :)

Grandma Sharon got Soph some other stuff. Here's a picture of Soph checking her stuff out.

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