Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, January 15, 2012

5 months

Each day is even more fun with Sophia as her personality has come out and she brightens every day with her smile.

Birth - 7 pounds 8 ozs
one month - 11 pounds 8 ozs
two months - 13 pounds 5 ozs
three months - 14 pounds 5 ozs
four months - 16 pounds 6 ozs
five months - 19 pounds (this is by our scale and she had all her clothes on)

Clothes: she's wearing some 9 months but mostly 12 month clothes now. I never thought my baby girl would be in 12 months when she's only 5 months old but she's healthy and that's all that matters. :) It's funny because Misty gave me some of Addie's clothes that are 12 months and they are winter clothes because Addie wore them when she was 1 year old. Soph been wearing size 3 diapers for acouple weeks now and should be in them for awhile.

Food: She's still eating 6 -7 ozs every time she gets a bottle. Her typical day now includes breakfast which consists of cereal with fruit, a late morning bottle, 1 bottle during the day, then for dinner she eats fruits and veggies, then one last bottle around 7:30 before bed. Two days ago we decided to look into Stage 2 baby food. The package said:

Your Child May be Ready if she -
1. sits independently - check that one off the list
2. shows excitement when food is presented - umm..she's shown interest in food for months - check that one off the list as well.

Soo we bought lots of stage 2 food. It was so much fun picking everything out, its not just boring peas or carrots, you can get mac n cheese, turkey and rice etc. We tried sweet potato and turkey and at first she made faces, but then loved it. I'll post pics later.

This morning we tried another new thing, instead of banana baby food, we mashed an actual banana and put that in her cereal..she LOVED it. She's such a good eater.

Sleep: She's still a great sleeper and I hope I don't jinx myself. During the week she's kind of on a schedule and normally gets tired between 7 - 8:30 p.m. and is asleep in her crib by 8:40 at the very latest. She'll sleep through the night until 7:45 a.m. or sometimes 8. She still takes a morning nap and a good afternoon nap. I've weened her off her evening nap so that I can spend more time with her before bed time and she seems to be fine. She's just super tired right before bed time.

Activities: She loves playing with her toys and prefers to be on her tummy. She grabs her toys and tosses them and she's still putting EVERYTHING in her mouth. She's talking (baby talk) more and giggling which is fun. She loves to do raspberries and laughs after she does them. She rolls all over the place. We'll put her on a big blanket and the next thing we know she's off of it. She still loves her Baby Einstein jumping gym thing and we tried the Jenny Jump Up this past week and she really liked that as well. She also found her ears this week and loves to grab them.

Likes: eating her hands, being on her tummy, baths, watching Maya, eating, looking at fish, grabbing her feet

Dislikes: headbands, wearing socks, shoes or bibs (she'll pull them off)

Five month pictures

Sitting up like a big girl:

She makes the funniest faces:

All smiles:

Loves her feet:

She still doesn't have any teeth. We thought one would have come down by now but we've been wrong. We're making her an appt. for the specialist for her tongue tied issue, while it doesn't seem to bother her, I'd like them to look at it again and explore our options. It seems like she's trying to stick her tongue out, but she can't. I'm not sure if this is the case, or me just being paranoid but I'd rather get a second opinion to see if we need to get it clipped now vs. later.

I'm proud to say, Elliott and I didn't call the pediatrician or take her to the pediatrician AT ALL this month. I think we're starting to get comfortable and not freaking out over every little thing. I still check on her several times after she goes to bed but mainly because she sleeps on her tummy now and I get nervous. We also put her bumpers back in her crib because she's all over her crib and we'd find her with her arm or leg hanging out.

We get soo excited after every milestone. Now that she's rolling over and sitting up on her own, the next BIG milestone is crawling. :) While I'm excited, I'm also sad as my baby girl is growing up way too fast.

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