At first Maya sat in the front with Elliott and I but then we put her in the back with Sophia. When we looked back at her she had jumped from her seat to the back of Sophia's carrier. She wanted to be close to her sister. :)
We stayed in a hotel Wednesday night because our chalet wouldn't be ready until Thursday afternoon. Here's a picture of Sophia in the big bed:
After we got into our chalet, we went to a museum. El and Sharon showing Soph a stuff animal:
Soph's first time seeing a bear:
She loved it!
More animals:
El and Soph after the museum:
Then we took Sophia to the grocery and she sat in the cart for the first time. She loved it. She's such a big girl.
Soph and grandma having fun:
On Friday we took Soph for her first hike up a mountain. Of course she wanted to wear her favorite color and sunglasses:
Waterfall at the top:
Soph fell asleep on the way down:
When I went over a rock, she hit her head on the side of the stroller, woke up, and cried so I carried her down the mountain. I had shin splints the next day lol.
Soph and her Sophie sitting in a big girl high chair at lunch:Took a break for a photo while shopping downtown:
For some reason Soph loved her paci all week. We gave it to her but now that we're home we haven't been giving it to her and she's fine without it. She's soo silly.
Soph loved taking baths in the whirlpool tub:
Soo sleepy after a long day:
Trying to crawl:
Future cheerleader:
View from our balcony:
Turning 30 is tiring:
We brought Soph's jenny jumper because she loves it:
I put rolls of toilet paper in front of her so she could kick them. She thought it was funny.
Soo tired after another day of shopping:
We borrowed Addie's booster seat. Soph looks like a big girl in it.
El with his girls:
Hi mommy:
Grandpa playing with Soph
Soph playing with her seahorse before nap time:
Soph in a cave (she didn't know what to think):
Of course we got a family pic in front of the big bear:
LOVE my baby girl
Too much fun shopping:
El and Jim going down the slide lol:
Soph loves Grandpa Jim Jim and Grandma Sharon:
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