Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mashed Potatoes & Sippy Cups

Sophia is such a big girl. We gave her mashed potatoes and a sippy cup yesterday for the first time.

Her first bite:

She wasn't sure at first:

And then she gagged:

But she still ate them and started to like them by the end:

After dinner we decided to try out the sippy cup. I bought the kind that's for 6 months and up and filled it with water. To our surprise, she took it and held it right away.

And she knew what to do. We weren't sure if she was getting anything out of it at first but she liked it.

And she liked playing with it:

If you're wondering why she doesn't have on any pants, well, it was Sunday and she didn't leave the house once so we let her wear a onesie all day. She prefers to wear no pants, no socks and no shoes haha.

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