Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Saturday, March 17, 2012

7 months old

Sophia is already over 7 months old. I'm not sure where the time goes. As I stood in the clothing section of Target yesterday looking for Spring/Summer clothes for Soph I started getting emotional because I just realized she's no longer in the baby section, she's graduated to the big girls section (18 months and bigger). When they say they grow up soo fast, it's soo true.

Here's her weight since she's been born:
Birth - 7 pounds 8 ozs
one month - 11 pounds 8 ozs
two months - 13 pounds 5 ozs
three months - 14 pounds 5 ozs
four months - 16 pounds 6 ozs
five months - 19 pounds (this is by our scale)
six months - 18 pounds 6 ozs
seven months - 20 pounds (this is by our scale)

Here's her 7 month photos:

Clothes: she's wearing 18 months and some of the pants are a bit too long, although, today, she wore her first pair of shorts and they were 18 months and were a bit snug around the thighs. :) I think she'll probably be in 18 months for awhile though. This is the first size that she's been in for over a month. She's still in size 3 diapers and size 1 swim diapers. She wears 6-9 month shoes...she has little feet like me. :)

Food: She's still eating 6 -7 ozs every time she gets a bottle (3 times a day). Her typical day is the same as last month except for lunch. Breakfast consists of cereal with fruit, a late morning bottle, lunch which now is a fruit and veggie, 1 bottle in the afternoon, then for dinner she eats fruits and veggies, then one last bottle around 7:30 before bed. She also gets mum mums at dinner and puffs which she really likes. She's had mashed potatoes and gravy and wasn't sure at first but likes them now. We still give her a sippy cup and have tried acouple different kinds because it's hard to tell if she's getting anything out of them.

Sleep: she's still a really good sleeper. She still goes to bed between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. and usually sleeps through the night until 7:00 or 7:30 a.m. She still takes a morning nap and a good afternoon nap (2-3 hours).

Activities: She loves being on her tummy, rolling around from one end of our living room to the other, jumping in her Baby Einstein, waving, standing, sitting up and crawling backwards. She's also getting up on all fours so we think she's really close to crawling, especially since she crawls backwards.

Talking: She still hasn't said mama or dadda yet, but she still says "yah" and "gee" and has recently said "mmm" after taking bites of food. She is very vocal but doesn't say alot of words just yet.

Teeth: I am proud to say she has two bottom teeth now.

Likes: she loves putting EVERYTHING in her mouth, eating, chewing on things, grabbing her feet, pulling my hair, jumping in her jumper or on my lap, twirling my hair when I am giving her a bottle, when we blow on her belly, swinging, going on walks or being in her stroller, the remote, cell phones, watching her favorite show..Word World, people watching....I could keep going on. She is such a good baby.

Dislikes: wearing socks, shoes, flower headbands or bibs (she'll pull them off).

I swear every month is even more fun with Sophia. She amazes me everyday. Just yesterday she waved (which we've been working on this so I was soo happy I almost cried), and while on her tummy she sat herself up in the sitting position. She's such a big girl. I love her soo much.

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