Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fun weekend

We took full advantage of the wonderful weather this weekend. Yesterday was a jammed packed day. We started off at the St. Patty's Day parade, then we came home, put Soph down for a nap, then went to the Zoo, followed by a cookout at the Clarks. Then today Soph and I played outside on her swing set, then met Erin and Lilly at the park.

Here's some pics from the weekend:

Soph and the elephants:

El had to get a pic with Soph in front of Bengal:

She loved the pink flamingos:

The monkey's are always entertaining:

Soph swinging with Hannah:

And then with Hailee:

Soph swinging on her swing set today:

Playing at the park:

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