Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, May 13, 2012

9 months

We had Sophia's 9 month check up on Friday. This appt. was WAY different than her 6 month appt. Last time she was looking around and moving a little bit on the counter....on Friday she was all over the place and wouldn't sit still lol. Our pediatrician said she looks great and is right on track with everything. :)

Her height was 28 3/4 inches - 85th percentile
Her weight was 21 pounds 14 ozs - 91st percentile
Head 17.4 inches - 64th percentile
Here's her weight since she's been born:
Birth - 7 pounds 8 ozs
one month - 11 pounds 8 ozs
two months - 13 pounds 5 ozs
three months - 14 pounds 5 ozs
four months - 16 pounds 6 ozs
five months - 19 pounds (this is by our scale)
six months - 18 pounds 6 ozs
seven months - 20 pounds (this is by our scale)
eight months - 21.5 pounds (this is by our scale)
nine months - 21 pounds 14 ozs
Here's Soph's 9 month pictures:

 She doesn't want to sit for pictures anymore lol:

 "Seriously mom, another picture?" hahah!
 Her thinking face:
 "Can you change the channel for me?" :)
Clothes: she's still wearing 18 months! I'm hoping she'll be in them for acouple more months. I just bought her acouple more summer outfits in 18 months.She's still in size 3 diapers and size 1 swim diapers.

Food: She's still eating 6 -7 ozs every time she gets a bottle (3 times a day). Her typical day is the same as last month. Breakfast consists of cereal with fruit, a late morning bottle, lunch which is a fruit and veggie, 1 bottle in the afternoon, then for dinner  a stage 3 meal and a fruit, then one last bottle around 7:30 before bed. She also gets mum mums, yogurt melts and puffs for snacks. Since Gerber doesn't offer veggies in stage 3 (or I haven't seen any) I've been buying fresh carrots, and green beans or frozen peas and cooking them, then mashing them for her lunches.

Sleep: she's still a really good sleeper. She's been going to bed between 7:30 and 8 p.m. every night during the week and around 8:30 on the weekends. She usually sleeps through the night, however, she gets up in the middle of the night from time to time....I think because she's in pain from teething.

Activities: She is ALL over the place. She crawls everywhere. She walks around holding onto furniture and can stand without holding onto anything for 10 - 12 seconds. She also climbed up ALL our stairs today. El was behind her in case she fell but she did great.

Talking: She's saying "baby" alot. She also says hi, dada, baba, yah and b.

Teeth:  She has her bottom two and her top front right tooth is about 85% through and the tooth to the left of that one is coming in as well.

Likes: crawling around and pulling herself up, playing in the kitchen, looking at her pictures and saying "baby," walks, swinging, hugging her teddy, cell phones, swim lessons, Maya, crawling up the stairs.

Dislikes: when we tell her "no!"

Soph has done soo much since last month. While I get excited for her to reach the milestones, I also get really sad because my baby is growing up. :(

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