Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Thursday, May 31, 2012

More teeth = more table food

Since Sophia has had acouple more teeth pop through...we've tried some new foods this week.

First, we tried some jello. Not really for taste...but more for the consistency. I thought she'd like it...and I thought she'd like feeding it to herself. I bought the sugar free strawberry and banana and she loved it.

First bite:

 Couldn't get enough! She was licking it off her fingers lol:
 Such a big girl!!
 Mac n cheese wasn't a new food for her but I took her pics anyways lol:
 She really likes feeding herself:
 She was also upgraded from just puffs to "lil crunchies" which have more flavor.
 She also tried strawberries:
 Shocker...she loved them.
 And watermelon:
 I don't think I have to put "she loved it" after any more photos. She hasn't found a food she doesn't like or won't eat. :)
Last month or the month before both myself and my mom gave Sophia mashed potatoes. I made mine with red potatoes, skim milk and fat free butter...just like I make them for El and I. My mom made hers with 2% milk and real butter and added gravy. Soph didn't dislike ours...but she made faces. She still ate them lol. Anyways, this week I bought Bob Evans mashed potatoes, you know, the kind that's already made and you just microwave. Well, Sophia loved them and couldn't get enough. I think its crazy because I never had instant potatoes until college. My mom always peeled, and mashed our potatoes...never made them from a box or microwaved them and here Sophia prefers them. I guess she wants to make my life easier. :)

Soph smiling after eating Bob Evan's mashed potatoes:
 She also tried grapes:
 They were a little sour for her at first:
 But then she was all smiles:
 She also tried raspberries:
 And also had some blueberries and left over mac n cheese (which she's had before):

 I love that Sophia isn't a picky eater like me and hope that'll continue. :)

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