El had the past two Sunday's off which was super nice. Today he had to go back to work so Soph and I had a full day of mommy and Soph time. I just love having one on one time with her.
Soph loves playing with blocks. I think we played with blocks for about an hour...which may not seem like a long time...but it is for an 11 month old.
Then we played with her balloons from her photo shoot yesterday:
We also spent alot of time out back. She loves kicking these balls:
Now that she's walking she's getting to explore more and she wanted to check out the little house under her swing set:
We might have a future soccer player:
Then she wanted to climb the slide...on her own:
I'm not sure if Soph is self weaning herself from formula and a bottle because this week 3 or 4 out of the 7 days she refused to take her night time bottle. Instead she'd grab her sippy cup of water. So today, I bought her organic Vitamin D milk. I put it in her sippy cup this morning and she LOVED it. I also gave it to her in her morning bottle...she drank most of it...and then again tonight for her night time bottle. We'll see if she sleeps through the night...if so....we might continue her on it and stop giving her formula.
Soph drinking her organic vitamin D milk:
Soph loves books and always pretends to read them. I hope she always has a love for books.
After her bath tonight she wanted to play with the balloons again: