Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, July 30, 2012

Word World...

Soph's favorite show is Word World. When she hears the music come on she runs to the tv. She doesn't watch it for longer than 10 - 15 mins at a time but she loves it. We have several Word World dvd's for the car and she'll watch the entire show and laugh and say different letters. We've also caught her sitting down and catching acouple mins of the olympics.  

Here she's watching her show while holding onto a diaper box:

 She's been crawling under her high chair alot:
 Such a happy baby:
 Soph likes to share her snacks with Maya:

 Just taking a swim in the bath tub:
 And eating her cup:
 Enjoying her favorite lunch....ham, cheese, crackers, grapes and milk:
 Soo excited to go to the park:

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ohio State Fair

We went to the Ohio State Fair with the Beaty's and my cousin Olivia this weekend. I have always loved the fair and wanted to take Soph. El hates the fair so it was hard getting him there but we all had fun...and it was great people watching. :)

Soph and her cousin Jax:

 Olivia being silly:
 Addie loved riding the rides:
 As you can tell, the boys were thrilled to be there:

It's hard to see Soph and I, however, we're on the flying bus in the second row. Soph wasn't feeling it at first so she was standing (I thought it would be fine because I was holding her and I didn't think it would move fast....then the carnie stopped the ride, yelled at me to sit her down, so even though she cried at first, I sat her next to me and once it started up again she was fine....and KIND OF liked it lol! I think she'll enjoy rides much more next year.
 She did, however, enjoy the petting farm (not sure what setting I had my camera on):

 She also wasn't sure about the carousel:


Sophia got an early birthday present from her Nana and Poppy....a membership to Cosi!! We decided to check it out yesterday and Soph had a BLAST!! This is also one of Elliott's favorite places so even though he's in a walking boot (he hurt his foot at work) he still had alot of fun!

Soph in her new big girl (rear facing) car seat on our way to Cosi:

Soph checking out everything:

 She loves pushing everything:
 The water table was also a big hit:

 And so was everything else lol:

 She found one of her favorite things...a BABY:

 She wasn't sure about the polar bear:
They also have a cool section called "Progress" that has a little city from the 1800's - 1960's. I remember seeing this when I was a kid. Soph loved walking around (by herself) and checking everything out.
 Since she loves phones and pretending to talk on them we had to check out the phone booth:
We had a great day and cannot wait to go back. Thanks Nana and Poppy for the wonderful gift that'll be used several times this year! :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Future soccer player?

Soph kept kicking the soccer...and basketballs today. Of course I didnt have the video camera when she kicked the ball 3 times in a row...but here's a video of her kicking it once:

Mommy and Me

El had the past two Sunday's off which was super nice. Today he had to go back to work so Soph and I had a full day of mommy and Soph time. I just love having one on one time with her.

Soph loves playing with blocks. I think we played with blocks for about an hour...which may not seem like a long time...but it is for an 11 month old.

 Then we played with her balloons from her photo shoot yesterday:
 We also spent alot of time out back. She loves kicking these balls:
 Now that she's walking she's getting to explore more and she wanted to check out the little house under her swing set:

 We might have a future soccer player:
 Then she wanted to climb the slide...on her own:

 I'm not sure if Soph is self weaning herself from formula and a bottle because this week 3 or 4 out of the 7 days she refused to take her night time bottle. Instead she'd grab her sippy cup of water. So today, I bought her organic Vitamin D milk. I put it in her sippy cup this morning and she LOVED it. I also gave it to her in her morning bottle...she drank most of it...and then again tonight for her night time bottle. We'll see if she sleeps through the night...if so....we might continue her on it and stop giving her formula.

Soph drinking her organic vitamin D milk:
 Soph loves books and always pretends to read them. I hope she always has a love for books.
 After her bath tonight she wanted to play with the balloons again: