Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fun with Auntie Kushie

Before I talk about how much fun Soph had with her Auntie Kushie I thought I'd share some cute photos from this week.

Doesn't Soph look like a toddler in this pic?? TEAR!!

Soph loves pushing all her toys:

 So we started swim lessons again this Wednesday. I put Soph in her suit and her shoes now that she's walking, I put her down and she was super interested in my weights.....she actually picked one up (they are 5 pounds), I couldn't believe it. That told me two things 1. she's strong and 2. if my 11 month daughter can pick up my weights.....I need heavier weights for myself lol!!
 I also think its funny that she's holding a bottle of water. She knows when you work out, you have to stay hydrated lol!
And then she was interested in the ball. Instead of lifting weights on it or doing sit ups....she prefer to push it.
Now, back to Kush! Thursday night I had a work event from 5 - 7 p.m. so Auntie Kushie came over to watch Sophia. Soph had a blast playing with her. Kush fed her dinner, took her out back to swing, played peek-a-boo and played with all Soph's toys. Soph loves her Auntie Kushie....and I think Kush was exhausted after the two hours. :)
 Playing peek-a-boo (Soph and Kush's favorite game):

A BIG thanks to Auntie Kushie for watching Sophia. :)

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