Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Sophia got an early birthday present from her Nana and Poppy....a membership to Cosi!! We decided to check it out yesterday and Soph had a BLAST!! This is also one of Elliott's favorite places so even though he's in a walking boot (he hurt his foot at work) he still had alot of fun!

Soph in her new big girl (rear facing) car seat on our way to Cosi:

Soph checking out everything:

 She loves pushing everything:
 The water table was also a big hit:

 And so was everything else lol:

 She found one of her favorite things...a BABY:

 She wasn't sure about the polar bear:
They also have a cool section called "Progress" that has a little city from the 1800's - 1960's. I remember seeing this when I was a kid. Soph loved walking around (by herself) and checking everything out.
 Since she loves phones and pretending to talk on them we had to check out the phone booth:
We had a great day and cannot wait to go back. Thanks Nana and Poppy for the wonderful gift that'll be used several times this year! :)

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