Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, July 15, 2012

11 months

I cannot believe we're just weeks away from Sophia's FIRST birthday! I get soo sad just thinking about it so I'm going to jump right into her 11 month update.

Here's her weight since she's been born:
Birth - 7 pounds 8 ozs
one month - 11 pounds 8 ozs
two months - 13 pounds 5 ozs
three months - 14 pounds 5 ozs
four months - 16 pounds 6 ozs
five months - 19 pounds (this is by our scale)
six months - 18 pounds 6 ozs
seven months - 20 pounds (this is by our scale)
eight months - 21.5 pounds (this is by our scale)
nine months - 21 pounds 14 ozs
10 months – 22 pounds (this is by our scale)
11 months - 22.5 pounds (this is by our scale)

Clothes: she can still wear her 18 months clothes but they are getting a little snug. She also wears 18-24 months and I’ve bought acouple 24 month summer outfits for the end of the summer since they are already putting out Fall outfits. She's now in size 4 diapers and size 2 swim diapers.
Food: She’s down to 2 bottles a day (morning and before bed), breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between meals. Since last month she’s tried some new foods including: ham, turkey, hot dogs, Swiss cheese, Colby jack cheese, crackers, cupcake, string cheese, broccoli casserole, tapioca, lasagna and go-gurt. She still eats a lot of the stuff mentioned in last month’s update.

Sleep: She’s still a great sleeper. She’s still going to bed around 8 and doesn’t get up until between 7 a.m. and 7:30 a.m.

Activities: Walking!!! She started walking acouple weeks ago and she LOVES it. She loves pushing anything she can get her hands on (her small kitchen, chairs, her bus riding toy etc.) around the house. She will still crawl sometimes but for the most part she’s walking everywhere…which means lots of bumps and bruises. She gives hugs, open mouth kisses, she bites me from time to time, jumps (or tries to) and throws fits. She loves swim lessons…especially this session because she’s the oldest and most experienced. All the parents watch her and she eats it up!

Talking: She is a little chatty Cathy. “B” is still her favorite word followed by “baby.” Everyone is “baby” even if they are older than her. Other new words since last month include: apple, up, me, poppy and poop. Yes, I said “poop.” I haven’t heard her say it but my sitter and my sitter’s Aunt heard her say it various times, the cute thing (if there’s anything cute about poop) is that she whispers it when she says it. I guess that’s the only good thing about her saying it lol! I was trying to think how she learned “poop” but I guess I ask her all the time: “did you poop?” not that she’ll answer, I guess it’s just habit. Last week when the Beaty’s were over, Soph was at the bottom of her slide on her jumpy house and she looked at Misty and said “up,” not sure if that was a coincidence or what but Misty put her up in the jumpy house. She also says a lot of things that we don’t know what she’s saying. It sounds like she’s saying “I did.” but who knows what she’s trying to say. She also makes a lot of funny noises and tries to repeat everything we do, if we cough…she fakes cough etc. She also started screaming for attention…..I think something is wrong with her so I’ll run to her and she’ll just laugh. She’s rotten!

Teeth: She still has eight teeth – four up top and four on the bottom.

Likes: Being outside is def her favorite. She is always looking out back and wants to go out. When it’s time to go in, she’ll cry. She loves swimming and her newest thing- her jump house. Def her favorite. She also likes to play peek-a-boo and with her baby dolls, bath time (she’ll swim around in the water) and crawling on daddy.

Dislikes: Getting her diaper changed or being put in her car seat. She’ll throw fits!

We’re trying to wean her from the bottle and we have her down to just two bottles a day. I don’t know how I’ll wean her from the night time bottle, it’s our time where I hold her and I’ll be super sad…but I know she can’t be three and walking around with a bottle. We’re also working on the pacy, she really only gets it at night now and that seems to work out ok. From time to time we might give it to her when we change her diaper (if she’s throwing a fit) but other than that she doesn’t get it.

Here's Soph's pictures (as you can see it's SUPER hard to get a picture of her 1. sitting still 2. looking at the camera and 3. smiling

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