Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Baby to Toddler

Sophia is officially a toddler. Technically, I think she was a toddler when she turned one, or some books say they are a toddler when they start walking so for Soph that was 10 months. I didn’t consider her a toddler until I took away the bottle. I’ve been saying for weeks that I’d take away her only bottle of the day (right before bed) but haven’t been able to do it. I knew she’d probably be fine, but I love holding her every night and feeding her the bottle. Last night as I reached for the bottle to make her milk, my sister, reminded me that it was the night to try the sippy cup. L I knew she was right so we warmed up her milk, put it in a sippy cup (a big girl sippy cup – not the one she’s been using daily with the straw). I still held her and let her hold the cup of milk and at first she was confused and some of the milk came out of her mouth, then she took another drink and chugged it. I couldn’t believe it. My baby is no longer a baby. L

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