Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Zoo fun

Saturday was a super fun day. After the pumpkin patch, we took Soph home, gave her lunch, put her down for a nap, then when she woke up...we went to the Zoo.

Her second time riding the boat at the zoo:

 She looks like such a big girl:
 Waving to the animals on the boat ride:

 We always have to stop and see her favorite...the kangaroos:

 Then we took her on the train for the first time. Before it started Soph was checking everyone out and of course was hamming it up when they were talking to her and saying how cute is:
 She liked the train ride but was ready to get off when it stopped.
 LOL the expression on her face is too cute:
 Just playing with mommy's boots:
 And of course the famous back pack:
 Then 4 deer were out back so she was checking them out:
 She loves books...especially animal books:
 On Sunday I tried putting a clip in her hair...and it stayed! I was soo excited. Then after a few mins she pulled it out and acouple hairs came out. Since she doesn't have much hair...we can't risk her pulling it out so I doubt she'll have the clip in for awhile lol.

 She was eating her dinner...then put her plate on her head and said "hat." Silly girl!

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