Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sophia's 3 Year Appt.

We just had Soph’s three year check up today and her doctor said she’s doing great. Soph was a show off, of course. When her doctor asked what her favorite food was, Sophia responded “green beans.” LOL! She also sang to her and had great manners. I was wondering where our Sophia was lol! The doctor also said she is very mature for her age. We were shocked that she’s only in the 59th percentile for her height as people always tell us how tall she is. I’m just thankful that she’s healthy! Here’s her stats:

1 year stats:
Head: 17.9” – 60th percentile
Height: 30.5” – 87th percentile (2 feet 5 inches)
Weight: 24.2 pounds – 88th percentile
2 year stats:
Head: 18.75” – 54th percentile
Height: 35.25” – 85th percentile (2 feet 9 inches)
Weight: 29 pounds – 78th percentile

3 year stats:
Height: 3’ 1.5 inches – 59th percentile
Weight: 33.8 pounds – 71st percentile
I have said this the past two years and I’ll say it again, I cannot believe my baby girl is THREE!! I get soo sad just thinking about her getting older, being three and starting kindergarten in TWO years!! L Sophia is really the joy of my life. She can be a little pistol but can also brighten your day with her smile and dimples. I sometimes call her a sour patch kid because she can say something mean, then follow it up with a hug. People always tell me “three is worse than two” which makes me nervous considering Soph has had some really bad days where she throws herself down on the floor, crying, wining, hitting, etc. I’m hoping she will grow out of these days.
This past year Soph has grown so much! We potty trained her shortly after she turned 2 (I think the end of September to be exact). Then, acouple months later we stopped putting her in a pull up at nap time and she did great with that. She’s still wearing a pull up at night time. We put her in soccer this past year and she really liked it. She played for about 6 months, then we started her in gymnastics. She really likes that as well. Now she’s in t-ball and seems to like it. She started going to school in January and loves it. She always talks about her friends and teachers. Her best friends in her class are Ashley, Hadley, Braden and Brody. Her favorite teacher is Ms. Destiny. Soph has gone out of Ohio acouple times this year, we went to Orlando, FL and she went to Disney for the first time. She loved meeting all the characters and riding the rides. We also took a trip to Grand Haven, MI. Soph loved playing in the water and sand. We also went to baseball games, museums, parks, splash pads, pools, Disney on Ice, rode on a train, and several other things I can’t remember right now.

Clothes: She wears 4T and has acouple 5T shirts and bathing suits. She wears size 10 shoes.

Food: She loves fruit and her favorite is blackberries. She loves popsicles, ice cream, chicken nuggets, corn and hamburgers.
Drinks: She still drinks a ton of water and also loves milk.  
Sleep: Her bedtime is between 8 - 8:30 p.m.  and she wakes up between 6 -7:00 a.m.

Activities: She loves being outside, singing, playing on her ipad, dancing and riding her bike.
Talking: She still impresses us with everything she can say…and still repeats everything she hears. She speaks in complete sentences. She knows all the animals, can say the entire alphabet, count to 20, count to 10 in Spanish, she knows all her shapes, she knows she’s three and will hold up 3 fingers, she will say her name is Sophia Michelle Goff, she knows my name is Ashley Goff and El’s name is Elliott Goff. She sometimes will yell “El” or will say “Elliott” instead of “daddy.” She knows her grandparents are mine and Elliott’s parents. She can say her prayers at night. She can write her name but struggles with the letter “s” and writes it backwards.  She knows all of her colors.  
Dislikes: when its not her turn, when I hold or pay attention to another child, wearing bows in her hair, sharing
Favorite books: She loves books so I’m not sure of her favorite. It changes daily.
Favorite TV shows: Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse Club House, Sofia The First
Favorite movies: Rio, Monsters Inc., Princess & The Frog  
Here's her pictures from today's check up:  

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