Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, October 31, 2011

12 weeks old

Our little baby is 12 weeks old today. I really cannot believe it. She's getting soo big and changing every day. Elliott always asks why I take so many pictures and I tell him because she changes soo much.

12 week pictures:

Sophia got these Halloween buckets filled with goodies (not candy) from her Nana & Poppy (pink bucket) and her Grandma and Grandpa (orange bucket). I dumped out all her stuff and here it looks like she's looking for some candy:

Sophia loved her outfit from her Auntie. Daddy brought her into work to visit me on Friday and everyone loved her outfit.

She also loves her new baby from Grandma Sharon:

We've been trying alot of tummy time this week. She's holding her head up so well in this picture. She loves looking at all her toys.

She's still eating her hands alot:

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