Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, October 3, 2011

8 weeks old

Sophia is 8 weeks old today which means this is my last week with her before I go back to work. I'm getting soo sad just thinking about leaving her. I know next Monday will be super hard. I've already checked my calendar at work and they have me booked solid all day so hopefully that'll make the day go by faster. Fingers crossed.

It may not be Halloween yet, however, Sophia will be sporting her Halloween outfits all month long. She loved her headband from Auntie Kushie and her onesie from Grandma Sharon:

Sophie loves her daddy:

Sophie doesn't look thrilled but she really does love her cousin Addie. Addie has been telling Sophie "love you." It's soo cute.

Mommy and Sophie:

This weekend we went to Cinci for Ellee's birthday party. Uncle Jay met Sophie for the first time and she loved him. She also loved her Uncle Brian and I don't think he could get enough of her. He wanted to hold her practially the whole night.

Sophie in her performance fleece before going shopping on a cold day last week:

Sophie in her hat and big girl tennis shoes before going on a walk around the neighborhood:

Sophie learned to make the "squishy face" from her friend Ella:

1 comment:

  1. Love her! Love your blog! Love the updates!! I can't believe you got shoes on her.. .Max kicks his off... So we just keep him in fun socks! She's soo big too! Love her! She gets cuter everyday!
