Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, October 30, 2011

2 month appt.

Last Wednesday we had Sophia's 2 month check up (even though she's almost 3 months) and it went really well. She was such a big girl getting her vaccinations. First was the stuff she had to drink and we weren't suprised that she LOVED it. She was kind of mad when it was all gone. Then, was the first shot, she didn't cry...then the second....she cried for a minute until daddy gave her a bottle...then she was fine. We were soo proud of her. :)

Dr. Behrens said Sophia is doing great. She was shocked at how she held her head up and how great she did when she laid her on her stomach.

Here were her stats:

Height: 23 inches - 48th percentile (shorty like her mama)
Weight: 13 pounds 12.5 ozs - 91st percentile
Head: 15 3/4 inches - 61st percentile

After talking to Dr. Behrens Elliott and I decided we should both get the flu shot and Tdap which includes protection against whooping cough amongst other things. Elliott got both of his on Friday and I got the Tdap today and i'll get the flu shot on Wednesday at work.

1 comment:

  1. I love her! She's so cute! I'm glad it went well with the shots! :) It's horrible isn't it. I had to turn away because I started crying!:) Sophia is such a big girl, and she's perfect! I can't wait for the Goff's to come visit!
